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Finals Week Caffeine Tips

Writer: The Coffee SnobThe Coffee Snob

You haven’t really stressed for exams until you have pulled an all-nighter, mixed energy drinks, and used plenty of concealer to hide the sleepless bags under your eyes from cramming the entire night. You’ve probably googled the countless life hacks of how to remember things faster and how to perform your best when you’re so far from it. Everyone knows the textbook answer to performing well on exams: eat a good breakfast, get a good night’s sleep, chew minty gum, and even write in blue ink. More often than not, I find myself overlooking the textbook and cramming information in my head just to forget it after the test. If you’re interested in a good study break, google funny ways others have creatively crammed – you won’t regret it. But where does coffee come into play?

I’ve done my research, but the science of coffee is completely different for everyone. It can vary based on your caffeine tolerance (are you actually addicted or not) and can even flow in your bloodstream differently when you’re under pressure and stress. Here, I have written a little synopsis for you to validate the addiction and prove to yourself that using caffeine to study isn’t the worst idea in the whole world (plus, my bias that coffee is the best thing in the universe has been confirmed as fact and I am very excited).

EveryDay Health came up with “10 Things You Need to Know About Caffeine” and even had Justin Laube, MD medically review it, so you know it’s legit. I have narrowed my findings down to three important facts from various aricles that everyone should know:

1. Caffeine makes working out easier. You’re probably wondering how exercise even relates and may be dreading that I brought the “E” word up and related it to studying (I thought I read 'extra fries'). I know exercising isn’t everyone’s favorite thing (it certainly isn’t mine), but it pairs as a great study break in between exams and cramming sessions. Keeping your brain active while releasing endorphins (happy hormones) will help you to invest not only in your workout, but also in any studying activity necessary to ace the test (Altshul).

2. Caffeine can improve your memory. I was sold when I read that. The art of studying is remembering everything when it comes time for the test. Finals week usually means a week full of cramming, and a lot of information in a short amount of time can be extremely confusing and exhausting to remember. Luckily, caffeine is a solution! During the "crunch time" your short-term memory (STM) is completely active as it tries to learn the new-ish material. Nestlé released a study to explain that "caffeine promotes alertness and helps to reduce fatigue, aiding the STM in the ability to retain information". In other words, this means that caffeine is keeping your STM in tip top shape when it is most necessary. Keep sipping, my friends!

3. Caffeine can increase focus, concentration and alertness. The trifecta of acing the exam! Nestlé also promotes caffeine intake as a "stimulant to improve alertness, attention and wakefulness and can therefore ease the process of learning and processing information". This makes long, tedious tasks a little more bearable while your brain is stimulated and honed in on the task at hand. The physical drinking of coffee can "drive attention to the main task, which in this case, is studying [and] draw attention to what needs to be learnt, increasing focus and making the studying process more productive". With the mug, thermos or cup by your side and the aroma filling the air, your brain notes that it should most definitely bring its 'A' game. Plus, it's super trendy for a small photoshoot when you need to take a quick study break.

Be wary that caffeine is a stimulant drug and too much of it can be harmful. says that "at doses of more than 500 mg — about the amount in four cups of coffee — caffeine has been found to cause nervousness, irritability, insomnia, upset stomach, muscle tremors, and irregular heartbeat”. Don't overcompensate with coffee and end up reversing the effects!

Regardless of your coffee intake within the next week or so, be confident that you are prepared and qualified to ace your exams. Even when it feels like all hope is lost, taking a deep breath, stepping back and starting again can help you remain calm and regain the confidence you once had. And if you never had it in the first place, just know that there are so many others who believe in you too!




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