Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea - Dublin, OH
This holiday season I joined Bridge Park of Dublin to celebrate the holiday season. In any city, my favorite thing to do is find the local, (usually a hole-in-the-wall) coffee shop. On this cold and rainy Ohio night, I stumbled upon an Instagram story showcasing an infamous Hot Chocolate Bar at Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea. Immediately, I put my Christmas shopping on hold and headed over to the coffee shop with the compelling ad in hand, and a thirst for some scrumptious hot chocolate.
The lights were bright and the room was warm with various seating styles. I was greeted by a friendly staff who smiled and explained the freedom that I had as I could choose from the plethora of the toppings. Mini marshmallows, big sprinkles, small sprinkles, chocolate chips and crushed up candy canes could be chosen to garnish each cup of sweet hot chocolate at no extra cost. I chose my favorite: crushed candy canes and mini marshmallows atop a hearty pile of whipped cream. The ambiance was comforting and the showcase of goodies was alluring, but the actual liquid was nothing rich. The hot mixture tasted as if it was mixed with powder - thin and somewhat watery. With previous experience of Sweetwaters coffee selection, I had higher hopes for their hot chocolate. Without the toppings and excitement of variety, it would be hard to purchase again. The price was decent; equally competitive with Starbucks. Overall, the delightful shop experience outweighed the ordinary cup of hot chocolate.
TCS Rating: 3.5/5
